First Presbyterian Church of Jonesboro
Love Connect Serve
Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, you will find a welcoming community of believers at
First Presbyterian Church of Jonesboro.
Mission is at the heart of who we are at First Presbyterian Church of Jonesboro
Here are a few ways you can join us in helping others
Marion Medical Mission
Marion Medical Mission seeks to share the love of Christ with the extreme poor in Africa by providing all in need with a sustainable source of clean, safe drinking water. On the first Sunday of each month, the First Presbyterian Church of Jonesboro collects loose change to fund shallow wells in Africa.
BackPack Ministry
Unfortunately, many children right in our back yard are hungry and/or homeless. Money is raised through concession sales at quarterly plays presented by The Front Porch Players to purchase food for children in our neighborhood who do not have enough to eat over the weekend. Every Friday afternoon, approximately 46 backpacks are filled with nonperishable food items, delivered to two local elementary schools and are sent home with the children.
Good Shepherd Clinic
FPCJ has two members who serve on the board at the Good Shepherd Clinic. Members also volunteer with patient intake as well as donating baby aspirin. Our members also supply food for their fundraisers.
Annual Mission Trip
Each year our church sends a team of volunteers somewhere in the United States of America do to rehabilitation for people who have been displaced by flood, tornado, etc.
Souper Bowl of Caring
The Souper Bowl of Caring utilizes Super Bowl weekend in America to mobilize people to fight hunger and poverty in their local communities. FPCJ takes monetary collections for the Atlanta Food Bank and non-perishable food items for Samaritan's Together.
Hunger Walk
The Hunger Walk/Run is an annual 5K race that is a project of the Atlanta Community Food Bank that unites our community to raise awareness and critical funds for local hunger relief. Proceeds from the event benefit the Atlanta Community Food Bank and other local nonprofit organizations that support food pantries, community kitchens, shelters, and other programs for people in need of food assistance. Each year FPCJ forms a team to walk/run and monetary donations are also given.
Valentines for Veterans
The Presbyterian Women of FPCJ collect Valentines every February for Veterans to show the LOVE and appreciation we have for their service to our nation.
Gigi's House
Gigi's House is dedicated to serving girls in our area ages 13-19 who are victims of sex trafficking. They provide a safe home in a faith-based loving environment along with individual and group trauma-informed therapy with a licensed therapist, home-school, mentoring, life skills, daily self-confidence building activities and much more. FPCJ has an on-going collection basket for items needed. Currently the focus is on personal care/hygiene products.